If you or a loved one sustained injuries in a truck accident, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to proceed. You may face mounting medical expenses, lost income, and emotional distress.

What’s next? How can you recover compensation and protect your rights?

Learn more about the legal issues surrounding truck accident injury claims and how a truck accident lawyer can take the burden off your shoulders.

Liability Plays a Crucial Role in Truck Accident Claims

Liability determines who must compensate the victim for their damages. Truck accidents can involve multiple parties whose negligence may have contributed to the crash. Your attorney can identify and hold accountable these individuals or entities:

Truck Driver

The law may hold the truck driver liable if their negligence or recklessness such as speeding, distracted driving, or driving under the influence caused the accident.

Trucking Company

The law also holds the truck driver’s employer responsible for various reasons, including negligent hiring or training practices, failure to perform routine maintenance, or encouraging drivers to violate hours of service regulations.

Truck Owner

You can hold the truck owner responsible if they failed to ensure proper vehicle maintenance. Negligence may also occur if they knowingly allowed an unqualified driver to operate the truck.

Other Parties Involved in Maintenance and Operation

Negligence on the part of additional individuals or entities may have contributed to the accident. These might include maintenance companies, cargo loaders, or manufacturers of defective truck parts.

An experienced lawyer can maximize the compensation available to injury victims by identifying all potential sources of financial recovery.

Truck Accident Injury Claims Have Four Critical Components

The law considers four components when assessing truck accident claims: negligence, duty of care, breach of duty, and causation.


The legal definition of negligence is “a failure to behave with the level of care that someone of ordinary prudence would have exercised under the same circumstances.” This behavior may include an action or a failure to take appropriate action.

Duty of Care

You must establish that the at-fault party had a responsibility to you, or duty of care. In truck accident cases, this duty of care exists between truck drivers and other road users, trucking companies, and the public, and even between manufacturers and those who use their products.

Breach of Duty

After establishing that a duty of care exists, you must show that the responsible party breached this duty through action or inaction. A truck driver who failed to obey traffic laws or a trucking company that neglected to maintain their vehicles properly may have breached their duty of care.


In addition to proving a breach of duty, you must establish that this breach directly caused your injury or property damage. This causation element links the negligence of the responsible party to the victim’s harm.

A personal injury lawyer can present a compelling case for the negligent party’s responsibility for the accident and resulting damages.

Regulatory Framework Governs the Trucking Industry

Federal and state laws regulate the commercial trucking industry.

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) governs various aspects of trucking operations, including:

  • Driver qualifications.
  • Hours of service.
  • Vehicle maintenance.
  • Cargo loading.

A violation of federal regulations is evidence of negligence in a personal injury claim.

State Regulations

In addition to federal regulations, some states may have unique rules and regulations governing the trucking industry. These state-specific laws (including state-specific truck size and weight limit laws) may address issues FMCSA does not cover or that impose additional requirements on truck drivers and companies.

A truck injury accident lawyer can help determine if any state violation regulations played a role in the accident. This information can strengthen your claim.

Evidence is Necessary to Build a Strong Case

To build a strong case and establish negligence, gathering and preserving various types of evidence is essential. Some common forms of evidence in truck accident cases include:

Regulation Violations

Proving that the responsible party violated a regulation can be an effective way to establish negligence. Exceeding the allowed hours of service or driving a poorly maintained vehicle, for example, demonstrate a breach of the duty of care that truck drivers owe to other road users.

Photographs and Videos

Photographs can provide crucial information about the accident, such as road conditions, vehicle damage, and the vehicles’ positions.

Witness Statements

Testimony from individuals who witnessed the accident can help corroborate your account of events and provide additional details that may be crucial to your case.

Police Reports

Police reports typically contain valuable information, such as an officer’s observations of the accident scene and any citations and statements from the involved parties.

Truck Driver’s Logs

These records can show the driver’s compliance or non-compliance with hours-of-service regulations and the truck’s latest maintenance or inspection date.

Collecting evidence in truck accident cases can be challenging, given the size and complexity of commercial trucks and their operations. Certain types of evidence may also be time-sensitive. A user may overwrite or delete electronic data on a truck’s onboard systems.

An experienced personal injury lawyer can navigate these challenges by obtaining and preserving relevant evidence to support your claim.

Financial Compensation for Victims Can Vary

According to recent data from the National Safety Council, it is the occupants of other vehicles involved in truck accidents who sustain the majority of injuries. The sheer size and weight of the truck can lead to severe injuries, extensive property damage, and lasting emotional trauma. The law may entitle truck accident victims to claim various types of damages, including:

Medical Expenses

Medical expenses include past and future medical care for accident-related injuries, such as ongoing treatment, therapy, and rehabilitation.

Lost Income

The law may entitle you to compensation for past and future lost income if your injuries prevent you from working.

Pain and Suffering

This compensation accounts for the physical pain, emotional distress, and decreased quality of life you experience due to the accident and your injuries.

Other Forms of Compensation

Additional damages, such as loss of consortium for your spouse and money to repair or replace your vehicle, may be available in certain cases.

You can maximize your claim by thoroughly documenting your damages and keeping records of all related expenses. This might include medical bills, pay stubs, and a pain journal recording your physical and emotional suffering. Your attorney can gather and present the necessary documentation effectively in your personal injury claim.

Are There Time Limits to File Truck Accident Injury Lawsuits?

The statute of limitations sets a strict deadline for filing a personal injury lawsuit in court. This time limit varies depending on the state and the type of claim you file. If you fail to file your lawsuit by the specified deadline, you may lose the opportunity to pursue compensation for your injuries.

Given the potential severity of injuries and the complexity of truck accident cases, you should consult a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to ensure you meet all relevant legal deadlines.

Insurance Negotiations Play a Key Role

Insurance plays a significant role in resolving truck accident cases, as it is often the source of compensation for injury victims. Understanding the various insurance policies involved in truck accidents, including those held by the truck driver, trucking company, and truck owner is important. Each policy may have specific coverage limits, exclusions, and requirements that can influence your ability to recover compensation.

Filing an insurance claim after an accident can be complex and challenging. Insurance companies may attempt to deny your claim or offer a low settlement to protect their bottom line. Your truck accident injury lawyer can navigate the insurance claims process. They can protect your interests by negotiating with insurance adjusters on your behalf and fighting for fair compensation.

If the compensation the insurance company offers does not cover your damages, your attorney may pursue a lawsuit against the negligent parties. Your lawyer can assess your case and determine the best strategy for maximizing your recovery, whether through insurance alone or a combination of insurance and legal action.

Settlement Negotiations Can Affect a Lawsuit’s Timeline

Settlement negotiations are a crucial part of the resolution process in most truck accident cases. During this stage, your attorney and the opposing party will engage in discussions to reach a mutually acceptable resolution, often in the form of financial compensation for your injuries and damages. Depending on the case’s circumstances, your attorney can conduct settlement negotiations through informal discussions, mediation, or other alternative dispute resolution methods.

You need a skilled truck accident lawyer during settlement negotiations, as their knowledge and experience can significantly influence the outcome of your case. Your attorney will carefully evaluate the available evidence, assess the strength of your case, and determine a fair and reasonable compensation amount based on your damages. They will then present your case to the opposing party, skillfully advocating for a fair settlement.

Several factors can influence the outcome of settlement negotiations, including the strength of your case, the available evidence, the extent of your damages, and the willingness of the opposing party to negotiate in good faith.

Your personal injury lawyer can work diligently to address potential challenges and maximize the likelihood of securing a fair and favorable settlement for you. If they cannot achieve a settlement, your attorney may consider taking your case to trial to seek the compensation you deserve.

A Truck Accident Lawyer Can Navigate the Legal Process So You Don’t Have To

Jacque D. Hawk - Truck accidents attorney in Augusta, GA area
Jacque D. Hawk, Truck Accident Lawyer in Augusta 

If you have sustained injuries in a truck accident, consult an experienced lawyer as soon as possible. Truck accident cases can be especially complex due to multiple potentially liable parties, extensive regulations governing the trucking industry, and the severity of victims’ injuries. An experienced attorney can navigate these challenges and advocate for your best interests every step of the way.

A truck accident lawyer can play a key role in guiding you through the legal process and protecting your rights.

They can:

  • Gather and preserve evidence.
  • Establish liability and negligence.
  • File and manage insurance claims.
  • Negotiate settlements.
  • Litigate your case in court if necessary.

Your attorney can also help you understand your legal options and keep you informed throughout the process.

Your personal injury attorney Augusta protects your rights and recovers adequate compensation for your injuries and damages. By retaining an experienced truck accident lawyer, you can focus on your recovery while trusting that your case is in capable hands. Taking swift action can improve your chances of obtaining a fair settlement and achieving the best possible outcome for your case.